Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pocket Full Of Sunshine

Haven't been here for sooooo long .. been busy for a while but that's not the real alibi .. I am lazy person :)
I've been to Belgrade to see my dear friend Zoranna and had amazing time! Can't wait to see her again asap!
I have loads to study, I mean LOADS! And now I am serious .. so I do not have a spare time at all .. I just wake up at 8, make really strong nescafe, take my lap top, presentations, highlighters and go to the yard and sit there from dawn to dusk.. I got to, I have a really strong motive .. when my exams are over Zoranna & Tamara are coming to see me, and I will go in Serbia again .. and something very exciting happened .. my sister is pregnant and she is getting married in July so I gotta be prepared and look awesome! (hope its a girl) :) and then SEA SPLASH :) cant wait!
I put some random outfit pictures from this phase .. and in the end my cruel reality :)



  1. super si izgledala!:)jako mi se svidja ova bez haljina! Cestitke za sestru!:))

  2. Super sto go pronajdov ovoj blog. Se raduvam koga ke vidam deka Makedonka pisuva vakov tip na blog

  3. looks like you had a good trip. Like the turqoise cardigan.

  4. you and your friends are so pretty!

